Национален институт по метеорология и хидрология


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Новопостъпила литература в библиотеката на НИМХ-БАН
09 – 12.2007


II 5306

Николов, Тодор Глобални предизвикателства пред човечеството. Динамичната земя.Ускорението на еволюцията и проблемът за устойчивото развитие. (Съвременни проблеми на науката.Академични лекции). София,Акад.изд., 2006. 61 с. 2.50 лв. Инв.No 39866 B 56877 УДК 316.3

II 5307

Топлийски, Димитър Климат на България. София, фондация Амстел,2006. 360 с. 10.00 лв. Инв.No 54703 B 84307 УДК 551.58(497.2)

II 5308

Мардиросян, Гаро Природни бедствия и екологични катастрофи. Изучаване, превенция, защита. София,Акад.изд.,2007. 372 с. 7.50 лв. Инв.No 53240 В 82142 УДК 502.5

II 5309

Адреев, Васил Конвективни явления в атмосферата.София, Акад. изд., 2007. 250 с. 5.10 лв. Инв.No 51848 В 80125 УДК 551.5

Ч II 907

Golley, Frank B. A Primer for Environmental Literacy. Yale University Press,1998. 254 pp. 34.00 lv. Inv.No 50171 B 77336 UDC 502.2+37.033


Б II 106

Околна среда 2005. Environment. София,Нац.стат.инст.,2007. 106с. 15.00 лв. Инв.Nо 48079 Б 1326-260 С УДК 502

Б II 119

Българска Академия на Науките.Годишен отчет - 2006 г. София, Изд.БАН, 2007. 200 с. 5.00 лв. Инв.Nо 49029 Б 54817-420 С УДК 058

Б II 120

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Directory. Sofia, Acad, publ.,2007. 280p. 10.00 lv. Inv.No 52667 B 8796-390 C UDK 0

Сръб. I 1

Milankovitch, Milutin Paleoclimate and the Earch Climate System. Symposium. Belgrade,30 Aug.-2 Sept.2 2004. Unvited Lectures. Belgrade,SAS,2005. 190p. 50.00 lv. (Scientific Meetings. Vol. CX. Depart.of matematics,physics and Geo-Sciences. Book 4.) Inv.No 48105 B 71524 - 10 C UDC 551.583(063)

Хол.II 22

Kокhanovsy, Alexander Cloud Optics. Dordrecht,Springer, 2006. 276 pp. 159,58 lv. (Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences Library...vol.34.) Inv.No 52638 B 60334-20 C UDC 51-7:551.576

Герм.II 24

Gayew, Yevgeny A. and Julian C.R. Hunt (eds.) Flow and Transport Processes with Complex Obstructions. Applications to Cities, Vegetative Canopies and Industry. Dordrecht, Springer,2007. 414p. 214,50 lv. (NATO Sciense Ser. No 236) Inv.No 46017 B 683-2160 C UDK 63:551.50

Финл.II 6

Тisler, Priit Aspects of Weather Simulation by Numerical Process. Helsinki,Fin.Inst.,2006. 20.00 lv. (Finnish Meteorolog. Institute.Contributions... vol.53) Inv.No 34584 B 3090-160 C UDC 551.509

Финл.II 6

Arola, Antii On the Factors Affecting Short- and Long- Term UV Variability. Helsinki,Fin.Inst., 2006. 15.00 lv. (Finnish Meteorolog. Institute.Contributions... vol.54) Inv.No 43552 B 3090-170 C UDC 551.521.17

Финл.II 6

Verronen, Pekka T. Ionosphere-Atmosphere Interaction During Solar Proton Events. Helsinki,Fin.Inst., 2006. 20.00 lv. (Finnish Meteorolog. Institute.Contributions... vol.55) Inv.No 43553 B 3090-180 C UDC 551.510.53

Финл.II 6

Hellen, Heidi Sources and Concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds in Urban Air. Helsinki,Fin.Inst., 2006. 20.00 lv. ((Finnish Meteorolog. Institute.Contributions...No 56) Inv.No 43554 B 3090-190 C UDC 551.510.4+504.3.054

Финл.II 6

Pohjola, Mia Evaluation and Modelling of the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Particulate Matter in Urban Areas. Helsinki,Fin.Inst., 2006. 20.00 lv. (Finnish Meteorolog. Institute.Contributions... No 57) Inv.No 43550 B 3090-200 C UDC 504.3.054.06

Финл.II 6

Sillanpaa, Markus Chemical and Source Characterisation of Size-Segregated Urban Air Particulate Matter. Helsinki,Fin.Inst.,2006. 20.00 lv. (Finnish Meteorolog. Institute.Contributions... No 58) Inv.No 43551 B 3090-210 C UDC 504.3.054+550.510.4

Финл.II 6

Niemela, Sami On the Behavior of Some Physical Parameterization Methods in High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Models. Helsinki,Fin.Inst.,2006. 25.00 lv. (Finnish Meteorolog. Institute.Contributions... No 59) Inv.No 46228 B 3090-220 C UDC 551.509

Герм. I 32

Frohlich, Kristina. The Quasi Two-Day Wave - its impact on zonal mean circulation and wave-wave interactions in the middle atmosphere. Leipzig,Institut fur Meteorologie. Universitat, 2006. 125 p. 40.00 lv.(Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen aus dem Institut fur Meteorologie der Universitat Bd. 38 ) Inv.No 41717 B 2898-110 C UDC 551.510.4

Герм. I 32

Radtke, Kai S.. Zur Sensitivitat von Starkwindfeldern gegenuber verschiedenen meteorologischen Parametern im Mesoskalenmodell LM. Leipzig, Institut fur Meteorologie. Universitat 2006. 121 p. 20.00 lv. ( Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen aus dem Institut fur Meteorologie der Universitat Bd. 39 ) Inv.No 47427 B 2898-120 C UDC 551.501.7

Герм. I 32

Hungershofer, Katja. : Optical properties of aerosol particles and radiative transfer in connection with biomass burning. Leipzig,Institut fur Meteorologie der Universitat,2007. 194 p. 40.00 lv. ( Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen aus dem Institut fur Meteorologie der Universitat Leipzig Bd. 40 ) Inv.No 47425 B 2898-130 C UDC 662.61+ 504.3.054

Герм. I 32

Frohlich, Kristina. The Quasi Two-Day Wave - its impact on zonal mean circulation and wave-wave interactions in the middle atmosphere. Leipzig,Institut fur Meteorologie. Universitat, 2006. 125 p. 40.00 lv. (Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen aus dem Institut fur Meteorologie der Universitat Leipzig Bd. 38 )


CD I 61

WMO/TD-No 1226 Oceanography and marine Meteorology...vol.27 An International Seminar to Celebrate the Brussels Maritime Conference of 1853. Residense Palace,Brusseles,17-18 nov.2003.

CD I 62

WMO/TD-No 1318 Oceanography and marine Meteorology...vol.28 Third International Workshop for Port Meteorological Officers. Hamburg,Germany, 23-24 March 2006.

CD I 63

WMO/TD-No 1346 Oceanography and marine Meteorology...vol.32 Ship Observations Team (SOT).Annual Report for 2005.

CD I 64

WMO/TD-No 1315 Proceedings of the Fourh Tehnical Conference on Management of Meteorological Services in Regional Association V (South-West Pacific)-"Sustainnable Management of Meteorological Services" (Apia,Samoa,5-9 Dec.2005).

CD I 65

WMO/TD-No 1286 World Climate Research Programme... Annual Review of the WOrld Climate Research Programme and Report of the Twenty-Sixth Session of the Joint Scientific Committee. (Guayaqull,Ecuador,14-18 March 2005).

CD I 66

WMO/TD-No 1258 World Weather Research Programme...WWRP/THORPEX No2.International Science Plan Version 3. WWRP/THORPEX No4.International Implementation Plan Version 1.

CD I 67

WMO-No 988 Executive Council.Fifty-Seventh Session. Geneva,21 jun.-1 jul.2005. Final Report.

CD I 68

WMO-No 1011 Regional Association III (South America) Fourteenth Session. Lima,7-13 Sept.2006. Final Report.

CD I 69

WMO-No 9 Weather Reporting Messages Meteorogiques.2006. A. Observing Stations. C1.Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins. C2.Transmission Schedules D. Information for Shipping.

CD I 70

WMO. Programme on Physics and Chemistry of Clouds and Weather Modification Reseach... Series of Orecipitation Enhancement Programme Reports (1976-1985).

CD I 71

WMO/TD-No 1362 Weather Modification Research...vol.43 Register of National Weather Modification Projects.2003-2004.

CD I 73

WMO/TD-No 1368 Oceanography and Marine Meteorology...vol.34. Ninth International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting (Victoria. BC.,Canada,24-29 Sept.2006)

CD I 74

WMO/TD-No 1394 Oceanography and Marine Meteorology...vol.36. Ship Obsevation Team (SOT).Annual Rep.2006. Geneva,2007.

CD I 75

WMO Oceanography and Marine Meteorology...vol.42. Data Buoy Cooperation Panel Twenty-Second Session. La Jolla,USA,16-20 Oct.2006. Geneva,2007.

CD I 76

WMO Oceanography and Marine Meteorology...vol.52. Ship Obsevation Team (SOT)Fourt Session.Final Report.Geneva,16-21 apr. 2007.

CD I 77

WMO/TD-No 1354 Instruments and Observing Methods...vol.94. Papers Presented at the WMO Tehnical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental Instruments and Methods of Observation.(TECO-2006), Geneva,4-6 Dec.2006.


Content (12 vol.Instruments and Observing Methods Reports):
      1.Initial Guidance to Obtain Representative Meteorological Observations at Urban Sites, by T.R. Oke (Canada) IOM Report No. 81, WMO/TD No. 1250
      2.The WMO Intercomparison of Radiosonde Systems - Final Report, (Vacoas, Mauritius, 2-25 February 2005) by J. Nash, R, Smout, I Oakley (all United Kingdom), B. Pathack (Mauritius), S. Kurnosenko (USA) IOM Report No. 83, WMO/TD No. 1303
      3.The WMO Laboratory Intercomparison of Rainfall Intensity Gauges (France, The Netherlands, Italy, Sept 2004 - Sept. 2005) - Final Report by L Lanza, L. Stagi (all Italy), M. Leroy, C. Alexandropoulos (all France), W. Wauben (The Netherlands) IOM Report No. 84, WMO/TD No. 1304
      4.The WMO Relative Humidity Sensor Intercomparison, Final Report of Phase I (Russian Federation, 1995-1997) by A. Balagurov, A. Kats, and N. Krestyannikova (all Russian Federation), and Phase II (Wallops Islands, USA, 8-26 September 1995) by F. Schmidlin (USA) IOM Report No. 85, WMO/TD No. 1305
      5.Training Material on Metrology and Calibration, by Jerome Duvernoy, Aurelie Dubois (all France) IOM Report No. 86, WMO/TD No. 1306
      6.Training Material on Automated Weather Observing Systems, by E. Buyiikba§, L. Yalgin, Z.T. Dag, S. Karata§ (all Turkey) IOM Report No. 87, WMO/TD No. 1307
      7.Training Material on Weather Radar Systems, by E. Buyukba§, 0. §ireci, A. Hazer,I. Temir, A. Mac it, C. Geger (all Turkey) IOM Report No. 88, WMO/TD No. 1308
      8.Operational Aspects of Different Ground-Baled Remote Sensing Observing Techniques for Vertical Profiling of Temperature, Wind, Humidity and Cloud Structure, by E.N. Kadygrov (Russian Federation) IOM Report No. 89, WMO/TD No. 1309
      9.The WMO Intercomparison of GPS Radiosondes - Final Report, (Alcantara, Brazil, 20 May to 10 June 2001) by R. da Silveira, G. F. Fisc, L A. Machado, A. M. Dall'Antonia Jr., L. F. Sapucci, D. Fernandes, R. Marques (all Brazil), J. Nash, (United Kingdom) IOM Report No. 90, WMO/TD No. 1314
      10.The International Pyrheliometer Comparison - Final Report, (Davos, Switzerland, 26 September to 14 October 2005) by W. Finsterle, (Switzerland) IOM Report No. 91, WMO/TD No. 1320
      11.National/Regional Operational Procedures of GPS Water Vapour Networks and Agreed International Procedures, by S. De Haan (The Netherlands) et all. IOM Report No. 92, WMO/TD No. 1340
      12.Instrument Development Inquiry, by T. Prager (Hungary) ^nd J.P. van der Meulen (The Netherlands) IOM Report No. 93, WMO/TD No. 1382

CD I 79

WMO-No 1107 Executive Council.Fifty-Eighth Session. Geneva,20-30 June 2006.

CD I 80

WMO-No 1017 Commission for Basic Systems-Extraordinary Session. Seoul,9-16 Novem.2006.

CD I 81

WMO-No 1018 Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology-Thirteenth Session. Geneva,23-30 Nov.2006.

CD I 82

WMO-No 1019 Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation-Fourteenth Session. 2006.

CD I 83

Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion:2006 Report of the Montreal Protocol Scientific Assessment Panel. March 2007.

CD I 84

The 2006 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference. Helsinki,Finland, 12-16 June 2006.

CD I 85

European Meteorol. Society 5-th Annual Meteorol.Society (EMS) 7-th European Conference on Application of Meteorology (ECAM). Utrecht,Netherlands,12-16 Sept.2006.

CD I 86

UNEP Standardized Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Dioxin and Furan Releases.Air,Water,Land,Products,Residues. UNEP Chemicals. 2nd edition,February 2005. Geneva, Switzerland,2005.

CD I 87

Workshop on Enhanced Flood Forecasting in Europe. Bratislava,Slovak Republic, 12-14 December 2005.